✔ 最佳答案
1. 塊扒煮得太熟, 好'紉' ,好難咬
The steak is overcooked, too tough to chew !
2. 塊扒煮得太生/ 唔夠熟, 仲好多血
The steak is too rare, not fully cooked, still have a lot of blood
3. 味道有d酸, 有D苦苦地
The taste is a bit sour, also a little bitter.
4. 佢地有排都未黎到
Some of them have not arrived yet.
5. 我好無記性, 呢頭記完, 好快唔記得
I have very short memory, once I learn it, I will forget very soon.
6. 我洗完衫, 之後去左晾衫
After I finish washing the clothes, I go to hang them.
7. 今日涷左好多/ 熱左好多
Today is much cooler / hotter.
8. 買貴左, 仲爭成幾百蚊tim
Oh, I bought it too expensive, at least a few hundred dollars more.
9. 兩個既價錢唔爭好遠
The two prices have not much difference.
10. 你成日都係度搗亂, 認真d la
You really make me crazy by fooling around here.
11. 一睇就知佢係二世祖
Just a glance I know that he is just a guy depending on his family.
12. 你咁都唔識, 好易ga ja
You don’t know even this ? It is very easy !
13. 我地好有緣, 成日唔約都會撞到
It must be a fate that we always meet without any appointment.
14. 人愈大, 朋友就愈少
When you get older, your friends become fewer.
15. 佢有潔癖, 所以好怕人污糟
He is very sensitive to hygiene, so he does not like sloppy people
16. 落好大雨, 又好大風, 大風到有時仲會搞到反傘tim, 俾人睇到好淤ga
Its raining heavily and very windy. The strong wind will turn your umbrella up side down, it will make you look silly in front of other people.
17. 你咁揀食擇食ga, 你睇佢食極都唔停, 你好學下人啦
Why are you so picky on food ? See, he is eating a lot, you better learn from him.
18. 你講野咁矛盾ga, 一時一樣
Why are you so inconsistent, one time this way and then the other way.
19. 你講過既野都唔算數既
What you have said does not mean anything / You cannot fulfill what you have said.
20. 你搞唔掂先搵我la
Call me when you cannot fix it.
2008-06-02 23:30:20 補充:
005 autunlam,
Why did you copy my answer ?????
I will report to Yahoo now !!!
2008-06-02 23:40:09 補充:
005 autunlam,
Why did you copy my answer ?????
I will report to Yahoo now !!!