
2008-06-02 11:48 pm
吃飯時不小心咬到叉子, 牙齒崩了少許, 請問有辦法補救嗎?




回答 (2)

2008-06-02 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2008-06-03 3:03 am
i havent seen tooth fracture extension so i cant tell u the exact answer.

But according to ur description, i think the fracture only involve enamel or at most involve enamel and dentine.

So there are 2 solutions:

1) do the tooth colored material filling to replace the tooth substance lost
2) make a crown which is like a cap in tooth color covering ur tooth
3) do some polishing and leave it

advantage and disadvantage:

1) do the filling is cheaper and the process is simple but the fiiling has a chance to dislodge oneday depending on size of filling and the eating habits

2) make a crown is long lasting but is more expensive and need to trim the tooth into a small one in the process

3) leave it is cheapest way but the tooth is not looking good and may lead to sensitivity
參考: dentist

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