levels of an atom

2008-06-02 9:24 pm
There are many shells, subshells and orbits in an atom. And these are the way to discribe the energy of electrons. Like electrons in outter shell have higher energy. My question is, how is it possible for electrons to get into the same shell, subshell or orbital? How is it possible to have electrons of the same energy? If there is a little bit difference between them, will they orbit between 2 shells? For example, an electron having the potential energy of little bit higher of 3s and little bit lower than 3d, where will that electron go?

回答 (2)

2008-06-03 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
一個atom入面0既electron shell 0既energy係quantized的,即係話0係一個指定0既shell入面所有0既electron 0既energy都係一樣。呢一點我諗你都清楚。

依家問題就係如果一粒electron 0既energy 0係3s同3d之間會點。本人可以好肯定咁答你,呢一個假設係冇可能出現的(以al chem 0既level黎講)。一粒electron 0既energy只可以0係3s or 3d level, 而佢0既energy唔可以0係兩者之間。

點解釋好呢?唔知你有冇讀physics, 或者其實chem都有講過,咁等我講個例子比你聽。依家假設3s energy係 -2eV, 3d energy係 -1eV, 而依家有一粒electron 0係3s orbital入面, 咁佢0既energy 當係KE=1eV。
如果0係咁0既情況下,我地比0.5eV 0既能量佢, 個electron係唔會吸收呢0.5eV 0既能量變成1.5eV,反而佢仲係維持0係2eV呢個energy level。另外,我記得physics講過,如果有一粒外來而含有0.5eV 0既electron同0係3s orbital 0個粒electron相撞,外來0個粒electron一d能量都唔會比3s electron吸收。所以,electron 0既energy 0係兩orbital之間係冇可能的。

呢個theroy背後0既原理: electron shell 係quantised 0既, 一粒electron如果要由一個shell跳去另一個,就一定要吸到足夠0既energy。如果我地比electron 0既energy唔足夠將佢由一個shell跳去另一個,個electron就一d energy都唔吸。所以,electron 0既energy係唔會有中間。

PS. 將atom加熱都係一樣,如果個火0既energy唔足夠令個electron跳級,個electron就一d energy都唔吸。
2008-06-02 9:29 pm
they will bnot obit between 2 shelels. quantum machaniscs won't allow that. there is no possible ot have in-between energy levels/

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