
2008-06-02 9:03 am
係未 it has been tough?
咁i have been in love 係未我一直都戀愛緊?

咁係未he has been being a policeman for five years ?

回答 (4)

2008-06-02 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
這一直都很艱難係未 it has been tough? YES
i have been in love 係未我一直都戀愛緊 YES但有D怪
我以前曾經戀愛過: I was in love.

He has been a policeman for 5 years.
參考: myself
2008-06-02 4:48 pm
present perfect 可以講一直發生至今o既事,往往都會講埋發生左幾耐(如加上 always / for X years),所以:
這一直都很艱難:It has always(always 正是一直之意) been tough.
我一直都戀愛緊:I have always been in love.
我以前曾經戀愛過:呢句中文話雖係往事,但其實同現時有關,所以應該用 present perfect:I have been in love before(可能o既潛台詞:so I have the experience)
至於 I was in love 強調o既係一件往事,同現時無關。Simple Past 好多時會加埋個時間,如 I was in love with her at that time,強調當時。
佢當左差五年,同樣應該用 present perfect,雖知呢個 tense 只係講到事情已開始左,但可以講結束影響至今/至今未完o既事(present perfect continuous 就強調說話當時o個一刻):
He has been a policement for five years.
注意呢句唔係 passive voice,因為 passive 除左有 been 仲要有 past participle 先完整。反為 has being 就唔係任何 tense o既結構。
2008-06-02 9:30 am
Answer to question 1:
It has always been tough.

I have been in love before.

Answer to question 2:
He has been a policeman now for five years.

This is how the English would say it believe it or not.
Hope this would help.
參考: I live with an English family and study in England.
2008-06-02 9:27 am
It is used to be very difficult.
I have been in love=我已墮入愛河
I have been in love before.
請記住,以前一直.....是 it used to......; 而現在一直都......是 it is used to...
He has being a policeman for five years.
我的英文都不是太好,但希望幫到你,我覺得has being 中間加been變了被動式,一個人做警察是他自己主動的,不是被動的,如果被派去某部門才要加been

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