英文生字的不同 forms

2008-06-02 5:53 am
有咩網可以查到d words 既word forms???

我要有noun verb adjective adverb....

D字包括 :
demolish , plead , appeal , batter , allot , underscore , survive



咁 demolish , batter , allot , underscore , survive有冇adverb form呀??? severe 既verb form係咩??? underscore有冇其他forms?only得verb form???

回答 (2)

2008-06-02 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案

這個 online 字典的 word forms 都幾齊, 應該啱你用 (有埋解釋分別及例子說明).
The following provides some examples extracted from it,

demolish - verb [T]
demolition - noun [C or U]

plead (meaning REQUEST) - verb [I]
pleading - adjective
pleadingly - adverb

plead (meaning STATE) - verb [I; L only adjective; T] pleaded or pled, plead or pled

appeal (meaning ATTRACT) - verb [I not continuous]
appeal - noun [U]
appealing - adjective (NOTE: The opposite is unappealing)
appealingly - adverb

appeal (meaning ARGUE) - verb [I]
appeal - noun [C or U]

appeal (meaning REQUEST) - verb [I]
appeal - noun [C]

batter (meaning HIT) - verb [T; I adverb or preposition]
battered - adjective
battering - noun [C or U]
battery - noun [U]

batter (meaning FOOD) - noun [U]
battered - adjective

allot - verb [T]
allotted - adjective
allotment - noun [C or U]

underscore - verb [T]

survive - verb
survivable - adjective
survival - noun
survival - adjective
surviving - adjective [before noun]
survivor - noun [C]

2008-06-02 22:38:17 補充:
唔係所有英文字都有齊所有 word form 嫁, 有冇某種 word form 要視乎個意思夾唔夾, 例如 demolish 應該冇 adverb, 因為佢動詞的基本意思解拆除, 可以用佢嘅現在分詞 demolishing 或過去分詞 demolished 當成 adjective, 意思是拆除中的(-ing) / 拆除了的(-ed).

2008-06-02 22:52:05 補充:
但係應該唔會有 adverb, 因為如果有的話意思就變成了[拆除中地] or [拆除了地], 根本不通. 所以你查到字典話有就有, 冇就冇嫁啦! 至於 severe 已幚你查過幾本唔同的字典(包括網上的), 都冇提到有 verb form.

2008-06-02 23:09:18 補充:
最後係 underscore, 只有得 yahoo!字典話有 noun form (spelling 一樣冇變), 其餘我查嘅字典 (如牛津等)都話只係得 verb. 根據個人經驗, 傳統的英 - 英字典 (即書裝嗰種)係字彙最齊同最準, 符合晒你的要求, 如果你有的話可以用嚟 double check D 字.

2008-06-02 23:17:15 補充:
因為 online 字典有時唔係好準, 不過我推介嗰個就唔錯, 同傳統書裝嗰隻比較過係差唔多, 可能係因為劍橋 (cambridge) 出版的關係掛?! 希望可以幚到你.
2008-06-02 9:49 am


搜尋結果會有d亂, 你要慢慢睇

demolish - (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/demolish)


—Related forms
demolisher, noun
demolishment, noun

Plead - (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/plead)

plead Audio Help (plēd) Pronunciation Key
v. plead·ed or pled (plěd), plead·ing, pleads

v. intr.

To appeal earnestly; beg: plead for more time.
To offer reasons for or against something; argue earnestly: plead against a bill.
To provide an argument or appeal: Your youth pleads for you in this instance.
To put forward a plea of a specific nature in court: plead guilty.
To make or answer an allegation in a legal proceeding.
To address a court as a lawyer or advocate.

v. tr.

To assert as defense, vindication, or excuse; claim as a plea: plead illness.
To present as an answer to a charge, indictment, or declaration made against one.
To argue or present (a case) in a court or similar tribunal.

[Middle English pleden, plaiden, from Old French plaidier, from Medieval Latin placitāre, to appeal to the law, from Late Latin placitum, decree, opinion; see plea.]

pleadable - adj.,
pleader - n.,
pleadingly - adv.

Appeal - (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/appeal)

appeal - noun

—Related forms
appealability - noun
appealable - adjective
appealer - noun

Batter - (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/batter)

Allot - (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/allot)

underscore - (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/underscore)

survive - (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/survive)

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