which book to read

2008-06-02 5:37 am
I am a form 5 student who has just finished CEE.

Can anyone suggest some books for me to broaden my horzion?

Thanks a lot!( both chinse & english are alright)

回答 (3)

2008-06-04 2:54 am
i myself finished reading 'chinese cindarella' series from Adeline Yeh Mah. It's a real story about an unwanted Chinese girl in a rich family moving from Shanghai to Hong Kong.

The reason I liked it because I learned more about what's going on in Shanghai after second world war, and also this series of books has about 4 books.....the first one is in most simple English, and then to intermediate, and to advanced English grammar. Very interesting and I learned a lot.

Personally I like reading true stories, it feels different to know someone's extraordinary life.
參考: self experience
2008-06-02 5:59 am
金庸的小説 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2008-06-02 5:49 am
Herry Potter!I think it is best for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>_

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