
2008-06-02 3:10 am
我英文口試!幫我 要講2分鐘 生字唔好咁難!
You are goingto share with your classmate how to live healthy life. prerare a
2-min presentation on the topic . The following questions mwy help tou pian

1.What sort of food do you eat?(Vegetable? Furits?Snacks?Steamedfood?
Deep-fried food?)
2.How much and how often do you eat it?
3.Do you doexercise?
4.What sort of exercise do you do?
5.How often do you do it?
文法要正確 唔該你地 要快丫!

回答 (2)

2008-06-02 4:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) the sort food i like to eat is vegeatables like choi sum and cabbages , fruit or fruit juices, meat, seafood, crips and macdonalds. Mostly the vegtables are steam cooked so that the nutritian in the vegetables won't be loss in the process of cooking.
2)i eat vegetable and meat everyday to maintain a balance and healthy diet and i also try to eat 5 protion of fruit and vegeatables. i occasionally snack on one or two packes of crips and one bar of chocolates
3)i try to do exercise every weekend with my family and when i have spare time
4) sometime i go running and swimming if i'm on my own and want to do exercise but when i'm with my family or friends we go and play badminton, tennis or basketball
5)question 3幫你講埋
參考: me
2008-06-19 2:39 am

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