About the molecules of the atom

2008-06-01 10:18 pm
which is following a greatest number of moecules

All substance is 50.0 g

1. neon
2. oxygen
3. hydrogen chloride (HCl = =???)
4. carbon monoxide

what the answer is = =?????

neon , oxygen are monoatomic atom

carbon monoxide , hydrogen chloride are diatomic molecule (HCl and CO are 2 atom)......

answer is only one ....................

It is possible my concept is wrong.....

p.s It is all the geses


ynp05014 "Plastic less moment plz."

回答 (3)

2008-06-01 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is 1 neon.

Neon is monatomic molecules with formula Ne, oxygen is diatomic molecules with formula O2, hydrogen chloride is diatomic molecules with formula HCl, and carbon monoxide is also diatomic molecules with formula CO.

Molar mass of Ne = 20.2 g mol-1
Molar mass of O2 = 16 x 2 = 32 g mol-1
Molar mass HCl = 1 + 35.5 = 36.5 g mol-1
Molar mass of CO = 12 + 16 = 28 g mol-1

Denote L as Avogadro number (6.02 x 1023).
No. of moles of the gas = mass/(molar mass) = [50/(molar mass)] mol
No. of molecules of the gas = mol x L = [50L/(molar mass)] molecules
In above, molar mass is the denominator (分母) of the fraction (分數).
Ne has the smallest molar mass. Therefore, neon has the greatest number of molecules.
2008-06-02 3:42 am
ans: 1 neon
我地其實搵mloe數就得, 因為no. of particle只係Xavagrado no.
本來gas我地可以use volume/molar volume, 不過你無比vol...
so我地use mass/molar mass搵mole數.

由於mass all same,
so 所有以上mole數 = 50/佢地自己molar mass
要搵最多mole數, 只要搵邊個molar mass 最少就得lu

1. 佢要搵no. of molecule, 唔係atoms, so唔使理佢地係
2. 你係咪覺得hydrogen chloride有d怪呢?做咩唔問hydrochloric acid?
其實係because佢仲係gas, 唔係aq, 所以係simple molecular structure, 有 molecule. But一旦in aq, 佢ionize左, 出現ions, 係giant ionic stru. , 佢再問no. of molecule時, 就要答冇啦(also, HCI有acidic properties only in aq state, because有H+)

2008-06-01 19:45:05 補充:
HCI: in ad叫hydrochloric acid
if not叫hydrogen chloride
2008-06-01 10:19 pm
參考: h

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