
2008-06-01 8:11 am

回答 (2)

2008-06-05 8:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你講嘅係副局長,咁我諗你應該問下啲局長:佢地做「空降局長」時已經比原來職位薪金三級跳,因為要體現「問責制」云云。依家既然Can't stand the heat,咁佢地應該Leave the Kitchen,而唔係用公幣幫你「做好呢份工」!你幾時見過政府局長又或者特首請秘書或者私人助理要有國藉限制?
參考: 羅太
2008-06-01 8:33 am
If there were any crisis in Hong Kong, for those high officials if they really
have the intention to leave Hong Kong, they do not need to hold the
citizenship or passport of another country, eventually there will be ways for
them to leave.

We should assess a person by their credentials and abilities, not what type of
nationalities they hold.

If you judge somenone by what their nationalities, I guess a lot of very
competent personnel will have to leave Hong Kong. Come to the end, who
will loose out?

The answer is: Hong Kong and the citizens.

Need I say more: Please follow the Basic Law.

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