請問幾時用have,has; 幾時用do,does?

2008-06-01 4:56 am
請問幾時用have,has; 幾時用do,does?

例如: 我沒有買這件玩具



回答 (3)

2008-06-01 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
have/has 解「擁有」,第一二身(I, you)或多於一人(we, you, they)用 have、第三身(he/she/it)用 has,呢個唔駛詳細講啦。但如果你講o個句唔係 present simple tense,咁就要諗諗。
如果你想講 present perfect tense,則由於句式係 have/has + past participle,咁就要睇住句子主詞係第幾身,o係 have/has 中選用適當o既一個。
而 present perfect 用於講一d剛發生、或者發生左而影響維持至今o既事。如你o既例句:
「我沒有買這件玩具」,影響維持至今(今依家都冇呢件玩具),所以可用 present perfect 講,即係:
I have not bought this toy.
但o係美式英文之中,其實好多時會以 simple past tense 取代 present perfect,於是就可以講為:
I did not buy this toy.
又如果其實件事已經發生左好耐,同現今冇乜關係,咁你亦可以用 simple past tense 講。
= = = = = = = = = = = =
至於 do / does,用法都係睇主詞第幾身(同上)。至於幾時用,其實一般只係o係問問題時用。有d動詞可以作為問題開頭,如:can/could/may/might/will/would/shall/should/must/ought,咁問題就可以咁問:
Can I get the points?
但有d動詞不能咁用,於是就要加個可以開頭,但加左又唔會改變句意o既動詞入去。呢個就係 do。如:
You like my answer. => You do like my answer.
呢個 do 其實可以加入任何句子o既動詞前中,作為加強語氣用,但留意加左後佢就成為主要動詞,第三身同時態變化就去哂佢度,not都去埋佢度,如:
You DID like my answer.
He DOES NOT like my answer.
Do you like my answer?
Did you like my answer?
Does he not like my answer?
當然,do可以作「做/幹」解啦,咁就同以上解釋無關啦,但一樣可以加 do ,如:
I did do it. => Did I do it?
2008-06-01 5:47 am
2008-06-01 5:26 am
For do,does: I do not buy this toy. Buy ---verb,so use do or does.
For have or has: have or has單獨使用 or 後面follow past participle For example: I have this toy but my friend has not this toy.我有這玩具但我的朋友沒有 Or I have bought this toy for three days. 我已買了這件玩具

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