很多英文問題!!! (20分)

2008-06-01 4:37 am
1) Bio都成日提要聞d gas個陣要 「舌向鼻子」, 英文係咩, 順便問埋個中文「舌」, 應該唔係依個舌呱!!

2) 無奈既英文係咩?

3) 盡力既英文係咩?

4) 龍捲風既英文係咩?

5) 趕時間英文係咩?

6) d人成日話送機, 英文應該點講呢??


20分!! thx!

回答 (5)

2008-06-01 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) -中文「舌」= tongue
Example : I have to control my tongue or I will say something wrong.
- Do not understand your 「舌向鼻子」
2) 無奈既英文係咩?
- no other choice
Example : I have no choice but letting him leave me.
- no alternative
Example : There is no alternative. We have to accept his offer.
3) 盡力既英文係咩?
- spare no effort
Example : I will spare no effort in doing this project.
- do my best
Example : I will do my best to prepare for the examination.
4) 龍捲風既英文係咩?
- tornado
Example : Hong Kong very seldom has tornado.
5) 趕時間英文係咩?
- in a rush
Example : I have too much work to do so I finished in a rush.
- in a hurry
Exmaple : I am in a hurry, can we talk tomorrow ?
6) d人成日話送機, 英文應該點講呢??
- see one’s off in the airport
Example : I am going to see John off in the airport tomorrow.

參考: Myself
2008-06-01 5:46 am
2008-06-01 4:56 am
1) 唔明你句「舌向鼻子」

2) cant help it or have not other choice
e.g sorry but i cant help you with this

3) try my best
e.g i'll try my best to get this done for tomorrow

4) tornado
e.g there is alot of tornadoes just now in usa

5) in a rush
e.g can we speak about this some other time becasue i'm in a rush just now

6) see them off in airport
2008-06-01 4:50 am
1) 用力吸 (動詞) - sniff
2) 愛莫能助 - helpless; no altervative / choice
3) endeavor
4) tornado, twister
5) I'm "in a hurry"
6) 為...送行 - see (name) off e.g. I see John off at airport

2008-05-31 20:53:08 補充:
hihibecky12 之(2) 答案,應是sigh惋惜,嘆息.sign是簽名
2008-06-01 4:41 am
1) 唔好意思, 唔係太明你句「舌向鼻子」

2) sign

3) try my best

4) cyclone

5) in rush

6) see them off in airport
參考: 自己

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