幫幫翻譯做英文` 20點`

2008-06-01 4:09 am
聰明又靦腆的彼得‧帕克自幼父母雙亡,和舅舅、舅媽生活在一起,過著一種默默無聞的普通學生生活。在一次學校組織的活動中,他和同學們去看有關蜘蛛的科學展覽,不料卻被一隻基因變異的蜘蛛咬了一口,從此,他被神奇地賦予了蜘蛛的那種能夠感知危險來臨的第六感。彼得變得敏銳、迅捷,並且身體裡能夠透出無窮的力量。 在一次意外的事件中,由於彼得的自私行為,導致了他的親人被竊賊所害。萬分悔恨的彼得感悟到平常人與英雄之間僅有一線之隔,並想起了舅舅跟他說過的話:"力量越大,那你的責任也就越大"。彼得決定跨越這條線,成為匡扶正義,除暴安良的蜘蛛俠,將此生投入到同罪惡勢力作鬥爭的行動中去。

回答 (6)

2008-06-01 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
The clever yet shy Peter Park was an orphan. He lived with his uncle and auntie in a quiet and ordinary life. Once in an activity organized by his School, he went to see a scientific exhibition regarding spider, and accidentally he was bitten by a spider which contained transformed DNA. From that time onwards, Peter was gifted with the mysterious 6th sense of noticing danger in advance. He became sensitive, agile and his body could release unlimited power. In an accident, due to Peter’s selfishness, his relative was killed by the burglar. In his great regret Peter realized that the difference between an ordinary people and a hero was just no more than an inch. He also remembered what his uncle told him :”The bigger the power is, the bigger responsibility you have to bear.” Peter decided to leap over this obstacle and be the Spiderman who would fight for justice and destroy all evil acts. He then put all his efforts in fighting against the evil power !
參考: Myself
2008-06-10 11:39 pm
Intelligent shy Peter □Parker the parents double perished since
childhood, with the uncle, the aunt lived in together, one kind has
been remaining obscure the ordinary student lived. In in a school
organization's activity, he and the schoolmates looks at the related
spider's science fair, but unexpectedly actually has been nipped by a
gene variation spider, from this time on, he has mysteriously
entrusted with the sixth sense which spider's that kind can 夠 the
sensation danger approach. Peter changes keen, fast, and in the body
can 夠 pass the infinite strength. In an accidental event, as a
result of Peter's selfish behavior, caused his family member to harm
by the thief. Extremely lamented Peter 感悟 to between the ordinary
person and the hero only has a separating, and has remembered the
uncle has said with him the speech: The "strength is bigger, then your
responsibility also on bigger". Peter decided surmounts this coarse
thread, becomes to support with hand is just, the spider variant which removes the
bullies and brings peace to the law-abiding, lives this invests to
does with the evil influence the struggle in the motion.
2008-06-01 9:12 am
baggio4182007 同學係各人中答得最好o既,但仍見有錯漏。大家切磋下:
Peter Parker, whose father and mother died early in his life, was a clever but shy boy. He lived with his uncle and aunt (auntie 為暱稱,唔熟唔用) and led an ordinary life as any students did. In an activity organised by his school, he and his schoolmates went to a science exhibition about spiders, where he was bitten by a spider with a mutated gene/mutated genes(基因變異/突變英文為 gene mutation)accidentally. Since then, he mysteriously gained the sixth sense which spiders use to detect danger in advance. Peter became sharp and agile, his body filled with umlimited power. In an unexpected event, Peter's uncle(劇中死去o既係佢o既 Uncle Ben)was killed by a thief because of Peter's selfishness. Repentant, he understood the fine line between an ordinary person and a hero, and remembered his uncle saying "With great power comes great responsibility." (此乃戲中原文)Peter decided to cross this fine line(唔係障礙(obstacles),而係由平常人變成英雄)and became Spiderman, who upheld justice and fought crime, and devoted his life to his struggle with evil forces!
2008-06-01 6:17 am
Intelligent shy Peter ‧Parker the parents double perished since
childhood, with the uncle, the aunt lived in together, one kind has
been remaining obscure the ordinary student lived. In in a school
organization's activity, he and the schoolmates looks at the related
spider's science fair, but unexpectedly actually has been nipped by a
gene variation spider, from this time on, he has mysteriously
entrusted with the sixth sense which spider's that kind can tenough he
sensation danger approach. Peter changes keen, fast, and in the body
can enough pass the infinite strength. In an accidental event, as a
result of Peter's selfish behavior, caused his family member to harm
by the thief. Extremely lamented Peter disillusionment to between the
ordinary person and the hero only has a separating, and has remembered the
uncle has said with him the speech: The "strength is bigger, then your
responsibility also on bigger". Peter decided surmounts this coarse
thread, becomes uphold is just, the spider variant which removes the
bullies and brings peace to the law-abiding, lives this invests to
does with the evil influence the struggle in the motion.
參考: ME
2008-06-01 5:46 am
2008-06-01 4:14 am
聰明又靦腆的彼得‧帕克自幼父母雙亡,和舅舅、舅媽生活在一起,過著一種默默無聞的普通學生生活。在一次學校組織的活動中,他和同學們去看有關蜘蛛的科學展覽,不料卻被一隻基因變異的蜘蛛咬了一口,從此,他被神奇地賦予了蜘蛛的那種能夠感知危險來臨的第六感。彼得變得敏銳、迅捷,並且身體裡能夠透出無窮的力量。 在一次意外的事件中,由於彼得的自私行為,導致了他的親人被竊賊所害。萬分悔恨的彼得感悟到平常人與英雄之間僅有一線之隔,並想起了舅舅跟他說過的話:"力量越大,那你的責任也就越大"。彼得決定跨越這條線,成為匡扶正義,除暴安良的蜘蛛俠,將此生投入到同罪惡勢力作鬥爭的行動中去。
Intelligent shy Peter □Parker the parents double perished since
childhood, with the uncle, the aunt lived in together, one kind has
been remaining obscure the ordinary student lived. In in a school
organization's activity, he and the schoolmates looks at the related
spider's science fair, but unexpectedly actually has been nipped by a
gene variation spider, from this time on, he has mysteriously
entrusted with the sixth sense which spider's that kind can 夠 the
sensation danger approach. Peter changes keen, fast, and in the body
can 夠 pass the infinite strength. In an accidental event, as a
result of Peter's selfish behavior, caused his family member to harm
by the thief. Extremely lamented Peter 感悟 to between the ordinary
person and the hero only has a separating, and has remembered the
uncle has said with him the speech: The "strength is bigger, then your
responsibility also on bigger". Peter decided surmounts this coarse
thread, becomes 匡扶 is just, the spider variant which removes the
bullies and brings peace to the law-abiding, lives this invests to
does with the evil influence the struggle in the motion.

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