NUK電動奶泵好用嗎? 還是Medela電泵好好多?

2008-06-01 2:49 am
佢地價錢差好遠, nuk唔洗$300, 但medela要$1500, 效果係咪差好遠?
成千幾蚊好肉赤, 但如果效果超好都會考慮o下, 最多o係其他地方慳d洗.

回答 (3)

2008-06-01 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
全力推薦Medela 嘅迷你型奶泵 Mini Electric (瑞士製造),

單泵大概 $600-650, 雙泵就 double

嗰陣我阿b唔識啜 ( 慘慘 T.T ), 我老公買俾我, 超級好用, 全自動完全唔使我郁

因可模仿嬰兒嘅吸啜動作 (吸、放、稍停的自然步驟), 增加母乳分泌

仲可以調校吸力(快慢), 乾電或濕電操作, 拎出街喺邊都泵得


後尾朋友買咗個chu chu 嘅俾我, 話就話電動,


效果又唔好用又痛, 噤到手指抽筋咁滯

努力呀~ 千祈唔好放棄~~~

祝你阿b肥肥白白, 健健康康~~
2008-06-04 10:21 am
i use Medela as well

2008-06-04 02:21:56 補充:
參考: me
2008-06-01 3:17 am
Before talking about the breast pump, I just want to know whether you are being the first time mummy? IF yes, I have some suggestions to you first:

1. It is great that you want to breastfeed you new coming baby, but put it in practical and real situation. There may have some reason leading to failure of breastfeeding. For instance: baby has some problems, or you cannot tolerate the painful and tiredness of the process. Then you buy the machine is just for decoration.
2. A sucessful breastfeeding may not need breast pump. Most of the mummy can hand express the milk out especially while engorgement.

Therefore, I suggest you do not buy it at this moment. You can search out the place to buy it and get the phone list to prepare, they usually have the sending home service. OR you can identify a place and telling you husband who can help you to buy after you sure the machine can help you.

Also, you can use the machine in the hospital and see it is working to you or not before you determine to buy it.

In addition, if you ask me which one that you mentioned is better, I can say, medela is better, NUK is no use while you want to pump out milk and it is easy to be worn out (personal feeling).

However, I prefer the one that you can rent and has tow side of pumping of breasts with DC type. You can ask Medela or some other company, the machine is quite big not convenient to take outside but efficient in pump out milk.

Hope the above information can help you and congratulation on your coming new baby.
參考: From my working experience

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