
2008-06-01 2:13 am

回答 (2)

2008-06-02 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try my best.
The moisturising and reparing agents keep your skin soft, tender and transparent as if you have just enjoyed a spa treatment. The unique formular continaing 5 vitamins and Jojoba oil cleanses the pores deeply and removes all the dead skin cells. While helping the skin relax, it also stimulates blood circulation to leave you smooth, tender and fair skin.
2008-06-01 5:56 am
contains water congeals repair the essence, helps the flesh time
maintenance picture delicately to enjoy hot spring SPA to be smooth,
the water congeals insightfully. Contains the unique compound formula
(to knead together 5 kind of vitamins and the Pakistan oil),
can help to remove the dirt which in the pore piles up, the flesh
surface gets older corneum and 死皮, purifies the flesh. The affable
flesh simultaneously strengthens the blood circulation, delicately
helps the flesh to be smooth.

2008-05-31 21:58:00 補充:
sorry! I don't know what is 死皮
參考: 自己

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