
2008-05-31 10:19 pm
1. 唔該切個橙黎食呀
2. 得閒個時我鍾意同fd 踢下波
3. 佢成日游手好閒,咩都唔做,但係老闆一黎,就扮得好勤力甘


回答 (4)

2008-05-31 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Listed some sentence as below:

1. 唔該切個橙黎食呀
Please cut an orange for me.

2. 得閒個時我鍾意同fd 踢下波
I would like to plays football with my friends when we feel free.

3. 佢成日游手好閒,咩都唔做,但係老闆一黎,就扮得好勤力甘
He like a lazy bone all the way. But when the boss show up, he must be change to a workaholic immediately.

^^ Hope it can help you!! ^^
2008-06-01 7:02 am
Could you cut an orange for me,peease?

When I am free,I like playing soccer.
得閒個時我鍾意同fd 踢下波

He is a dawdler,he doesn't do anythings.However,when boss in front of him,
he acts just like a hardworking people!
參考: ♀Me♀
2008-05-31 11:19 pm
1. 唔該切個橙黎食呀
Hey, cut an orange for me, please !

2. 得閒個時我鍾意同fd 踢下波
I like playing football with my friends when I am free.
3. 佢成日游手好閒,咩都唔做,但係老闆一黎,就扮得好勤力甘
This guy does noting all day except when the boss arrives, such a hypocrite !
參考: Myself
2008-05-31 10:28 pm
1) Cut up an orange for me please.
polite d既就 could u please cut up an orange for me?

2) I like to play soccer with my friend at my spare time.

3) he always do nothing, but when the boss come, he acts like working very hard.
參考: study in canada

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