
2008-05-31 8:07 pm
Mr.Ho is showing his collection of postcards to the class. Read the answers. Tick if the underlined word are correct. Write the correct words on the lines if they are wrong.( )代表 underline word
How long What When Which Who
Rita: (When) have you collected postcards, Mr.Ho?____________
Mr.Ho:I' ve colleated postcaeds for more than twelve years.
Alan:(Who) is your favourite postcard?_____________
Mr.Ho:I like this one from France best.
Dave:Wow, it's so beautiful!(What) is that on the postcard?____________
Mr.Ho:It's the famous Eiffel Tower.
Tony: (What) sent you this postcard?________________
Mr.Ho:My friden who lives in France sent it to me.
Erica:(How long did your friends send it to you?
Mr.Ho:Four years ago.

last October use since 還是用 for

回答 (4)

2008-05-31 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Rita: (When) have you collected postcards, Mr.Ho?___How long____
Mr.Ho:I' ve colleated postcaeds for more than twelve years.
Alan:(Who) is your favourite postcard?_____Which_______
Mr.Ho:I like this one from France best.
Dave:Wow, it's so beautiful!(What) is that on the postcard?___呢個岩____
Mr.Ho:It's the famous Eiffel Tower.
Tony: (What) sent you this postcard?____Who_____
Mr.Ho:My friden who lives in France sent it to me.
Erica:(How long)did your friends send it to you? ___When___
Mr.Ho:Four years ago.

last October use since 還是用 for

2008-06-01 6:51 am
Mr.Ho is showing his collection of postcards to the class. Read the answers. Tick if the underlined word are correct. Write the correct words on the lines if they are wrong.( )代表 underline word
How long What When Which Who
Rita: (When) have you collected postcards, Mr.Ho?_______How long___
Mr.Ho:I' ve colleated postcaeds for more than twelve years.
Alan:(Who) is your favourite postcard?___What/Which________
Mr.Ho:I like this one from France best.
Dave:Wow, it's so beautiful!(What) is that on the postcard?___Where_________
Mr.Ho:It's the famous Eiffel Tower.
Tony: (What) sent you this postcard?________________
Mr.Ho:My friden who lives in France sent it to me.
Erica:(How long did your friends send it to you?
Mr.Ho:Four years ago.

Use since ar!
參考: ♀Me♀
2008-05-31 8:17 pm
Rita: (When) have you collected postcards, Mr.Ho? How Long
Mr.Ho:I' ve colleated postcaeds for more than twelve years.
Alan:(Who) is your favourite postcard? What
Mr.Ho:I like this one from France best.
Dave:Wow, it's so beautiful!(What) is that on the postcard? 用What係正確架! 所以唔洗改
Mr.Ho:It's the famous Eiffel Tower.
Tony: (What) sent you this postcard? Who
Mr.Ho:My friden who lives in France sent it to me.
Erica:(How long) did your friends send it to you? When
Mr.Ho:Four years ago.
應該係用since last October 架! for 好似係用future如: for next October, for next month 或者係for Mary......
2008-05-31 8:10 pm
1.How long

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