呢兩句係咪冇分別???(Simple Present Tense&Present Continuous Tense)

2008-05-30 10:23 pm
(1) i play the ball now

(2) i am playing the ball

呢兩句係咪一樣?? 如果係一樣點解又要咁麻煩要分Simple Present Tense & Present Continuous Tense ??? 定係有d咩原則咩情況一定要用 SPT 有d就要用 PCT ??

回答 (3)

2008-06-03 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simple present tense
習慣, 事實
I play with the ball every day.
I often go to the beach.
The ball is very beautiful.

Present Continuous Tense
I am playing with the ball now.
I am answering your question now.
I am typing now.

通常你見到now在一個句子內,那麽這個句子多數陳述正在進行中的動作,用present continuous tense, 但是在句子中動詞是 is am are 亦有now 的出現
I am busy now.
I am happy now.
2008-05-31 6:02 am
Both need to be _play with_

_I play with the ball_ has a habitual meaning. I play with the ball _often_ or _these days_ or _sometimes_

With _now_ you would use _I am playing with the ball now._
2008-05-30 11:03 pm
(1) is wrong.
you should write" i am playing the ball now"
when " now" is present, we should use continuous tense

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