✔ 最佳答案
Knowledge on catering business and general understanding on hotel operation
* 待客態度
Attitude in serving customers
Personal hygiene and appearance
* 飲食衛生與安全知識
Knowledge on food sanitation and safety
* 瓷器、玻璃器皿及銀器的清潔常識
Knowledge on cleaning porcelain, glass ware and silver ware
* 飲食用具的認識及使用
Knowledge on usage of different catering equipments and tools
* 飲食行業專用會話(英語及普通話)
Ability in communication of both English and Mandarin on the jargons of catering industry
* 餐桌擺設及服務程序
Knowledge on placement of dinning table and serving procedures
* 飲食業詞彙及食品常識
Possession of vocabulary commonly used in catering business and common sense on food
* 飲食認識及基本調酒技巧
Knowledge on catering business and basic techniques on alcohol mixing
* 宴會擺設及服務程序
Knowledge on decoration for banquet and its serving procedure
* 粵菜菜譜基本認識及服務程序
Basic knowledge in Cantonese food menu and serving procedure
* 客房餐務的服務程序
Knowledge on serving procedure for room service
* 推廣及銷售技巧
Promotion and marketing techniques
* 顧客心理
Psychology of customers
* 人際關係
Inter-personal relationship
* 處理投訴技巧及個案研討
Techniques on handling complaints and case study
* 電腦帳單處理之操作
Knowledge on operation of computerized billing system