物理 幅射

2008-05-30 9:18 am


多謝你詳細的英語解答 但本人是用中文讀物理的 可以有中文的答案嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-06-01 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案



[在輻射的作用下,人體內的生物大分子,如核酸、蛋白質等會被電離或激發。這些生物大分子的性質會因此而改變,細胞的功能及代謝亦遭到破壞。實驗證明輻射可令DNA斷裂或阻礙分子複製。此外,人體內的生物大分子存在於大量水分子中,當輻射作用於水分子時,水分子亦會被電離或激發,產生有害的自由基(如 OH-1、 H+ 自由基等),繼而使在水分子環境中的生物大分子受到損傷。]


2008-05-30 7:12 pm
As the radiation is a kind of energy, as cells absorb this energy can lead to varies kind of change in cells, as your mention in Mrs. Curie, due to the long time exposion to radiaoactive substance, her cells become cancer cell. Normal cells will terminate them after certain of time after its DNA was damaged. But cancer cells do not, as the DNA was damage, it won't kill itself but continue to grow and become functionless, and do damage to other cells, as it will take up nutritions and "swallow" other cell.

On the other case, a large dose of exposion radiation and lead to death, human body absorb too much radiation and many cells' DNA was damaged. From the normal procedure this cells will terminate them in a short period of time, but as you can imaginate, many cells kill themself in a short time will lead to disable of functions of the organ(s) from this cells, as organs are not functioning, it will make other organs got damage, finally as so many cells are dead, it will lead to death.

You can search on web of dose, it is a unit to measure exposion to radiation.

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