Brand New是指什麼意思?

2008-05-30 6:32 am
Brand New是指什麼意思?

是全新的, 還是指新推出的, 還是其他意思?


回答 (5)

2008-05-31 10:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Brand New是指全新的, never be used. 100% NEW.

2008-05-31 03:00:18 補充:
it is the American English, always use in USA.
2008-05-30 7:35 pm
Brand new

means 全新的
參考: me
2008-05-30 7:01 pm
Brand New = 全新的;嶄新的
在ebay的拍賣物品有全新未用過的(brand new), 也有舊的(used), 故需聲明.
This laptop is brand new and never been used.
This is a brand new idea and it is quite productive.

參考: Self
2008-05-30 6:47 am
He had on a brand-new pair of shoes.

ebay的拍賣物品用Brand-new,指全新未用過,如果係look like brand-new看落去似新的.

參考: myself
2008-05-30 6:35 am
Brand New mean 全新的,新製的

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