快丫...趕住要..幫我變英文同埋作shopping in h.k.的引言

2008-05-30 6:18 am
優 勢 在 於 貨 品 選 擇 多 樣 化 , 再 加 上 質 優 價 美 等 強 項 ,還有數 之 不 盡 的 購 物 商 場 及 百 貨 公 司 、 流 行 時 尚 店 、 名 牌 旗 艦 店 、 露 天 市 場 、 主 題 購 物 街 等 , 都 是 購 物 迷 必 逛 之 地 ; 最 漂 亮 有 型 的 服 飾 精 品 、 新 奇 有 趣 的 玩 意 兒 , 全 部 應 有 盡 有 。


仲有大家幫我諗下shopping in h.k.的引言..

回答 (4)

2008-05-30 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

There are advantages of diversified choices of goods with good qualities and low prices. There are a huge number of shopping malls, department stores, popular fashion stores, brand-name flag stores, open-air markets and many other famous shopping places, where are must-go places for people who enjoy shopping. Moreover, the most fashionable clothing, accessories and toys can also be found.


Shopping in Hong Kong is an important part of the culture and a way of life. Few cities in the world can rival the experience from an economic, business or social standpoint.
2008-05-30 3:26 pm
Shopping in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has long been renowned as “Shopper’s Paradise ” for decades. Even though there are strong competitions in the area especially in those up-rising cities, Hong Kong still remains the leader as the best shopping place in the world. Our advantages are mainly due to the long lasting international centre of trading and its never ending enhancement on the up keeping of its leading position.

Hong Kong’s privilege in shopping mainly due to its wide variety of goods and choices. In addition the goods in Hong Kong are good in quality and inexpensive in pricing. Moreover we have numerous shopping malls, department stores, trendy boutiques, flagstaff branded stores, open market and theme shopping streets. All above are “must go” places for all fancy shoppers. From the most updated and trendy clothes and accessories to the latest interesting small souvenirs, Hong Kong has them all !!
參考: Myself
2008-05-30 6:21 am
The superiority lies in the goods choice diversification, in addition strong points and so on nature superior price US, but also knows how things stand the endless mall and the Department store, the popular fashionable shop, the name brand flagship shop, the sky market, the subject shopping strip and so on, is the shopping fan must stroll the place; Has attractively the clothing high-quality goods, the novel interesting gadget, have everything expected to find completely.
2008-05-30 6:20 am
The superiority lies in the goods choice diversification, in addition strong points and so on nature superior price US, but also knows how things stand the endless mall and the Department store, the popular fashionable shop, the name brand flagship shop, the sky market, the subject shopping strip and so on, is the shopping fan must stroll the place; Has attractively the clothing high-quality goods, the novel interesting gadget, have everything expected to find completely.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:41:43
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