英文問題!Past tense 同 present prefect tense

2008-05-30 4:10 am
a German woman has confessed she put her newborn in a freezer.

我想問點解要用present perfect 的has confessed,而唔係用past tense 的confessed
係咪因為佢無提到個timing? 重有無其他解釋

重有可唔可以講解下實際呢兩個tense的分別!成日唔知幾時用past, 幾時用present prefect , 最好多d例子

回答 (4)

2008-05-30 10:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Present Perfect Tense,

It is used when something has happened and it is related to the present time.(指示發生了的事情和現在有關)

e.g. I have lost my keys.
Have lost 是present perfect tense, 雖然丟失鎖匙已發生, 但現在仍然是丟失中, 言下之意即是說还沒有找到.

e.g. My parents have been married for 10 years. (for example, 1998-2008)
Have been married 是present perfect tense, 即是說我的父母到現在 (2008) 已結了婚10年.言下之意是說还沒有離婚.

Simple Past Tense,

It is used to indicate something happened NOT related to the present time.

e.g. I lost my keys.
Lost在這句子中是past tense(已過去), 意思是丟失鎖匙與現在無關, 言下之意即已找回鎖匙.

e.g. My parents were married for 10 years. (maybe from 1994-2004)
Were married 是past tense(已過去), 意思是我的父母曾經結過婚10年.言下之意即現在已離婚了.

有時候無提到個timing會比較 common 用 present perfect tense 是因為有個 assumption- 把發生了的動作當作與現在有關. 如果發生了的動作是跟現在無關的話, 就須要指明時間才可配合用past tense. 當然這個assumption并不是絕對的, 很多時候無指示 timing 也可用past tense.

不同的Tenses 的分別主要是implied message 不同.

主要是這些分別, 如有further questions 請再發問.
2008-05-30 6:06 am


例如,我做了我的家庭作业。 意味我想要

我们说的if,我昨天做了我的家庭作业。 意味我要对

2008-05-30 5:57 am
If the newspaper said instead
A German woman confessed ......

The English-speaking reader expects that the newspaper will immediately say WHEN she confessed. If the important thing is that she confessed and not when she confessed, it is strange to use simple past.
2008-05-30 4:47 am
we use present prefect tense when we want to stress the fact that
we have done the action.
we use past tense if we stress what time the action is done.
for example, i have done my homework. it means i want
to stress the homework is done.
if we say, i did my homework yesterday. it means i want to
stress what time i have done the homework.

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