點解nba無降班? nba下無次級的聯賽嗎?

2008-05-30 3:34 am
點解nba無降班? nba下無次級的聯賽嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-06-01 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 自己
2008-05-30 1:03 pm
There is one common league in USA that is a level under NBA, it is called the NBDL - Development League.

There are only a couple of these teams, and those players are all the ones that cannot make it to the NBA (meaning no team wants them). Those players stay and play in the NBDL because it is in the USA, and it has a greater chance to join a NBA team anytime.

for example - the Heat trade away Shaq this season, and with so many injury within the team, they do not have enough player to play (a minimum of 8 players that can suit up and play), they called up 2 guys from NBDL, signed them to a 10-day contract. If those players play in Europe, they will need to sign a contract with a Europe team, so they cannot leave for NBA whenever they want.

the talent level between NBA and NBDL is huge, it is not even close.
參考: myself

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