
2008-05-30 1:52 am

回答 (4)

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2008-06-05 20:01:20 補充:

2008-06-05 20:36:13 補充:

2008-06-05 20:39:07 補充:




2008-06-05 20:45:59 補充:
*08會考軍* ☆庭★院深深深幾許,我尼個答案係咪好爛?可唔可以唔好咁快選最佳,我試將共和制同聯邦制了解得深入D,然後最SEND俾你或打出黎。我對此爛答案作出道歉,謝!

2008-06-07 19:22:10 補充:



2008-06-09 3:01 am
if there are not republic in china, than wt had Sun Yat Sin done?
And wt the "Five Yuan System" is?
Don't agrue with its final result, but focus on wt is the objective of these system or idea!

2008-06-08 19:03:38 補充:
federalism is originated in the United States, and therefore,
using English to reply this question is appropriate?


2008-06-08 19:03:54 補充:
Lastly, you just point out the the difference of structure between these system,

but you can't tell me what is the main difference between them,

the exact difference and example so I can't understand!
2008-06-01 8:02 pm
why you cant read english?
if you are, you should not ask thiese type of questions here because Chinese only use central control, and the federal and republican had never happen in the Chinese history.
2008-05-30 8:11 am
Ferederalism (聯邦制) is a political philosophy in which a group of members are bound together (Latin: foedus, covenant) with a governing representative head. The term federalism is also used to describe a system of the government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between a central governing authority and constituent political units (like states or provinces). Federalism is the system in which the power to govern is shared between the national and state governments, creating what is often called a federation. Proponents are often called federalists.

Republicanism (共和制) is a state or country that is not led by a hereditary monarch, where the people of that state or country (or at least a part of that people)have impact on its government, and that is usually indicated as a republic. In most modern republics the head of state is termed president. Other titles that have been used are consul, doge, archon and many others. In republics that are also democracies the head of state is selected as the result of an election. This election can be indirect, such as if a council of some sort is elected by the people, and this council then elects the head of state. In these kinds of republics the usual term for a president is in the range of four to six years. In some countries the constitution limits the number of terms the same person can be elected as president.

2008-05-30 00:12:49 補充:
Federalism decentralizes politics in many ways. For example, U.S. senators are elected to represent their state, not the nation. With more levels of government, more opportunities exist for political participation. Judicial power also is enhanced by federalism.

2008-05-30 00:13:00 補充:
Federalism also decentralizes policies. The history of federalism demonstrates the tension between the states and the national government over who should control policy. The overlapping powers of the two levels of government mean that most debates over policy become debates over federalism.

2008-05-30 00:13:04 補充:
States are responsible for most public policies dealing with social, family, and moral issues. These become national issues when brought to the national government by an aggrieved group. The American states are also policy innovators, being responsible for many reforms, new ideas, and new policies.

2008-05-30 00:14:41 補充:
In most modern republics the head of state is termed president, prime minister or consul, doge, archon and many others. In republics that are also democracies the head of state is selected as the result of an election.

2008-05-30 00:17:26 補充:
If the head of state of a republic is at the same time the head of government, this is called a presidential system (United States). Depending on what the president's specific duties are, the president's role may range from the ceremonial and apolitical to influential and highly political.

2008-05-30 00:23:24 補充:
In some countries, the head of state is not a single person but a council of several persons holding that office; if the members of the ruling cabinet and the president come from opposing political factions, this situation is called cohabitation: president needs to be strictly non-partisan.

2008-06-03 01:27:34 補充:
Mr. *08會考軍* ☆庭★院深深深幾許 :

I understand your concern on the language issue. But as the other replier told you clearly, federalism is originated in the United States, and therefore, using English to reply this question is appropriate.

2008-06-03 01:27:43 補充:
If you understand my english answer, I am sure you can use it wherever you intend to use since you have problem whatsoever understanding it.

2008-06-03 01:28:28 補充:
"中國有出現過共和制的" is wrong. The Imperial China or the Nationalist China had never had used the form of republic to govern the people.

2008-06-03 01:28:34 補充:
In the late qing dynasty, the Queen Cixi, as she wanted to do, tried to establish this "reupblican government", but that was a failure and never happened.
參考: Government is America 12th edition & www.ferguschau.wikispaces.com

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