用咖啡機整蒸餾咖啡, 用生水定係冷水呀?@@

2008-05-30 1:00 am
我都試過下加入生水(無飲), 見佢好快就流左落去個壺個到, 但係生水無理由咁快飲得架麻, 見d水流左落去, 又唔見有滾水起水泡既情況

咁究竟飲唔飲得架? 加生水得唔得? 點解佢無滾起既?

回答 (2)

2008-05-30 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, there are 2 types of 蒸餾咖啡 machine, I am not sure which one u are using.
one is using boiled water : you have to boil the water first, then put ur coffee powder into the coffee filter, then pour the hot water, u will see the coffee dropping one by one.
another one is using tap water : this one should have power on/off and 2 compartments - one for your coffee filter and coffee powder, one for tap water. it can boil the tap water to the coffee powder to make ur coffee.
maybe I think u are using the 1st one. hope it can solve ur question. enjoy ur coffee!

2008-06-13 01:20:40 補充:
Hi, I think u should pour the hot water to your ur coffee-marker, cos u said it drops so fast and u did not see the boiling water. the power on/off should be used for keeping ur coffee warm ONLY, not for boil water. hope it can help you.
參考: coffee lover
2008-05-30 1:08 am


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