Find range, domain, and Determine of the function.

2008-05-29 7:28 pm
For the function y = 5 - square root of (9 - x^2), how to find
a. Find the range
b.Find the domain
c.Determine whether the function is odd, even or neither

回答 (2)

2008-05-29 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
y = 5 - square root of (9 - x^2),
max value of square root of (9 - x^2) = 3 when x=0
min value of square root of (9 - x^2) = -3 when x=0
thus, y = [2,8]

(9 - x^2) is inside the square root,
therefore 9-x^2 >= 0
x = [-3,3]

let f(x)=y=5 - square root of (9 - x^2)
f(-x)=5 - square root of (9 - (-x)^2)
= 5 - square root of (9 - x^2)
the function is even.
2008-05-29 8:38 pm
y = 5 - square root of (9 - x^2)

a. since min of square root of (9 - x^2)=0
so, max of y=5.
thus, the range is every real number less than of equal to 5.

b. since square root of (9 - x^2), (9 - x^2) must>=0,
so, x should belongs to [-3,3]
thus, the domain is as above.

c. the y=f(x)=5 - square root of (9 - x^2)
f(-x)=5 - square root of (9 - (-x)^2)=5 - square root of (9 - x^2)=f(x)
hence, it is an even function.

2008-05-29 14:59:05 補充:
in part a,
since min of square root of (9 - x^2)=0
max of square root of (9 - x^2)=3 when x=0
so, max of y=5, min y=2
thus, the range is every real number less than or equal to 5 and greater than or equal to 2.

2008-05-29 14:59:10 補充:
only consider square root of (9 - x^2) is non-negative real number.
If it can be NEGATIVE, it should be written as +/- square root of (9 - x^2)

2008-05-31 09:52:32 補充:
我諗呢位朋友喺SQUARE ROOT同埋FUNCTION嘅concept上有d特別...

part a, 如果square root一定係+/-,咁點解呢條題目square root前會只係得"-"?
只有當你要拆除square時,用嘅square root先有+/-,
e.g. x^2 = 9, x=+/- square root of 9 = +/-3,
如果題目係x= square root of 9, 你唔可以話x=+/-3.


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