dream is important

2008-05-29 10:48 am
i want to ask what evidence can support dream is important
or how dram can affect people?

回答 (2)

2008-05-29 11:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
How dreams affect people?
Dreams are usually symbolic, and that is why there's a wide variety of meaning to them. Sometimes they can be tells of how you see another person - I interpreted the dream of someone who viewed another's words and actions as without substance - they knew the person was there and that the person was speaking, but they didn't pay attention to the words and the female herself was invisible in the dream.

If you're dreaming of people you know, apply it as an association, rather than that person directly. Close friend vs. acquaintance, co-worker, husband (or wife), brother - all these have various meanings in how you view another person... or the dream could be using the association of this person to convey a deeper meaning to you - as in the nature of spiritual interpretation.

No visible attributes can mean a lot of things, so dreams with people like that need more detail given to the answerer for any viable explanation at all.

2008-05-31 5:21 am
It is rather hard to proof that dreams are important to people. To begin with, it is a very personal experience and it is different to one another.

I can share my own experience with you on how I see my dreams as my buddy now.

I have been working with my dreams closely day to day since 14 years ago, my dreams never let me down and to indicate to me what position I am at, in my career, family life, or personal life.

Dreams are not only images, but they are part of me too, when I re-tell dreams to others, I could feel that as if I was really running it in my real life. Dreams come from our subconscious mind, which is always trying to send us messages (if we ever pay attention to it) so that we can move forward in our lives.

dreams for sure, help me to understand more of Who I am.

My dream teacher has said to me once, "Dreams which are neglected, are liked letters never opened."
參考: self experience

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