when having a friend over for the first time how clean do you make your home?

2008-05-28 9:59 pm
my husband and i had a friend over for dinner sunday evening. my mother lives with us and called me insane for scrubbing the bathroom really good. she said the friend would never go in there much less use it. well she was wrong. he had to go when he got here.

so how clean do you make your home when having company over and is the bathroom a room to make spotless

thanks i just dont understand why my mother would say that the bathroom didnt need to be cleaned. last time i checked he was a human who eats and drinks


so im not weird cause i scrubbed the toilet til it shined four days in a row thanks i feel better

回答 (21)

2008-05-28 10:08 pm
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Very clean. First impression is very important. I think you did the right thing for scrubbing the bathroom really good. I would also vacuum the whole house, and rearrange everything neatly and orderly.
2008-05-29 5:07 am
when family or friends come i go through the whole house ust like my grandmother taught me to do. kitchen and bathroom gets scrubbed till it shines! furniture gets dusted and nick knacks get streightend out, carpets get vacumed and if needed steame cleaned, beds get fresh linnens cupboard's get streightened, windows and mirrors get washed, floors get swept and moped.... u name it! when my guests walk in my house it smells like pine sol, fresh laundry, and a little comet and bleach. i enjoy a clean house normally and i take pride in my home when i have visitors come over.
2008-05-29 5:06 am
I tidy so the place looks neat, but I'm not bothered about scrubbing and making everything spotless. I don't think my friends are really bothered about how neat and tidy the place is as they have came to see me and not my home...and when I go round other peoples houses I am not really bothered if its abit untidy, its abit of a relief to know that they are not perfect!
2008-05-29 5:05 am
the bathroom should always be kept clean in my opinion as it is the place that you go to get clean. if you go somewhere and the sink is a dirty or the towels are not clean it puts you off washing your hands . as long as it is clean it should be fine. as you can have a lot of stuff all over the place and still be clean but dirt is a real no no no no im not going round there again sort of thing
2008-05-29 5:05 am
It just depends on you really. My mom is the same way. She'll spend all day the previous day cleaning the house and make sure the house is spotless and makes sure there is new air fresherners in every room in the house. Me, personally though, I don't mind it as long as everything looks clean. Just depends on your personality, and who the company is. If it's family, I wouldn't bother as much as if it were a coworker, or friend.
2008-05-29 5:04 am
Think about what would make you comfortable or uncomfortable if you went to someone's house for the first time. Personally I would clean the kitchen and the bathroom the best.
2008-05-29 5:04 am
I'd clean the bathroom really well... sort of make sure the other rooms aren't too cluttered or messy looking but... I wouldn't stress. The only thing I ever really care about is the bathroom lol :)
2008-05-29 5:03 am
Usually when I have a new friend over I tidy up pretty well but if it is an old friend I know they don't care. Basically first impressions are what matter most to me!
2008-05-29 5:03 am
I don't think you're crazy at all. I scrub and clean the place spotless too. It's a respect thing.
2008-05-29 5:02 am
I make sure my whole house is spotless when people come over, it doesnt matter who it is. It makes us feel better knowing that people think we are clean, tidy and well presented people!

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