Are you in support of, or are you against China's one-child policy?

2008-05-28 5:38 pm
Recent news reported that China relaxed its one-child policy in areas devastated by the earth quake. China instituted its one-child policy as a means to contain its rapidly rising population. They often resort to draconian measures such as forced abortion and forced sterilization on couples who already had one child. Are there viable alternative ways to control the population?

回答 (9)

2008-05-28 5:46 pm
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I like it... i think that we should try it here with welfare moms....
2008-05-28 5:43 pm
Considering how grossly overpopulated China is I understand and support their one child policy.
2008-05-28 5:44 pm
I am for the policy but not for the means of enforcement. They have too many people and even with the one child policy their population is still rising.
2008-05-28 5:45 pm
I do not think any government should be allowed to tell you how many children you should be allowed to have, I definitely do not believe in forced abortion or sterilization!! That is cruel and in humane!
2008-05-28 5:47 pm
2008-05-28 5:46 pm
it should be adopted worldwide... overpopulation is going to be the downfall off civilization very soon....
2016-11-14 9:08 am
I believe you. I do take exception to the retard element, although. having a brother with gaining wisdom of issues bullies would use the notice retard in a unfavorable thank you to make relaxing of him. yet i do agree that when i replaced into little the notice retarded replaced into used to describe the clientele my dad worked with, and PCness has replaced all this. the place i stay there's a great 'aborigional' inhabitants, or replaced into it "first international locations?" i'm no longer in all threat specific what they desire to be called anymore, all i be attentive to is human beings will honestly shush me if i say indian. lower back that's all in how that's being mentioned. i'm no longer yet a parent however the youngsters i nanny sing the wonderpets music each and every of the time so i be attentive to they have seen it(we don't in all threat watch television whilst i'm there so it is not with me) the youngsters have no speach issues, and that i've got no problems with showing characters who're different, it is not hurting all and sundry. i do no longer believe the activities element the two, inspite of the shown fact that I even have seen some parents who make it plenty extra effective than purely a game, and families that say it is not alright to lose. it is unhappy yet i think of as a bring about the back of the guideline. additionally the christmas element- i'm a christian, i do no longer care in case you desire to rejoice haunaka, or kwansa or no longer something, or each and every thing, yet do no longer attempt to get rid of my perception in a trip. that for the time of my books isn't truthful. it incredibly is a christmas tree, no longer a trip tree, no different perception has a tree, why will no longer be able to they simply leave that one on my own? haha, and that i admire how they took away the angel topper and adjusted it with a megastar questioning it had much less importance, wager they are going to because of no means get it. my questioning is i'm never going to be pc if there is something i think i'm gonna communicate up for it, in spite of what human beings think of, to me being indignant is a decision, and whilst human beings elect to be indignant by making use of each and every little element it incredibly is them who lose out on high quality of existence no longer me.
2008-05-28 5:48 pm
I understand it. but it's too Orwellian for me. I could see trying to make not having kids patriotic or something but a government law goes too far.
2008-05-28 5:48 pm
I think it's a bad idea. They need to stabilize their population, but not cause it to crash. If they make this permanent, the population would cut morethan half. TO be honest, they have long relaxed their policies. Some of the thngs you describe is no longer government policy, although they might still occur in the back country, where the governmetn have very little control. What I am more disturbed is the new GE add. They advertise that they developed a new Ultrasound machine that can be easily carried and featured how it can be carried in the countryside of India. What tehy don't tell you is that ultrasound is illegal in India , at least this type because it is being used to abort Female fetuses. Indians are heading to the border and fronteer to get these type of ultrasounds despit the law causing future social problems.

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