How do you remove rust stains from clothing?

2008-05-28 5:31 pm
I have rust stains on cotton clothing

回答 (6)

2008-05-28 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't listen to anyone else! (except ansmenam!)

There is a product called "Whink Rust Stain Remover" that will remove it instantly! It is available in grocery stores, drug stores, etc. in the detergent aisle. It is in a brown, plastic bottle.

If you have iron in your water and have yellowed clothing, try "Bright White" (formerly "Yellow Out") from the Iron Out Co. It works like a charm!
2008-05-28 6:16 pm
Whink Rust Stain Remover works really well:
2008-05-28 5:38 pm
Oxalic acid. Crystals from pharmacy, pharmacist will tell you the ratio to water. Be carefull as it is poisonous.
2008-05-28 9:46 pm
Things You’ll Need:
large glass or stainless steel bowl
bottled lemon juice
access to sunlight
green grass (optional)
Step1Fill bowl half-full of lemon juice; add 1/2 cup salt and stir to dissolve.
Step2Wet and wring out fabric to be treated.
Step3Immerse fabric in salt/lemon juice mixture. Squeeze out moisture gently, just enough to prevent dripping on the floor.
Step4Shake fabric loose, hang in full sunlight on wooden or plastic hanger, or lay fabric on a sheet on the grass.
Step5When fabric dries, wet again with water, lemon juice and salt (fabric will be stiff).
2008-05-28 6:09 pm
use blech
2008-05-28 5:39 pm
soak in cold water and bicarb.

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