new sir、yoki sir 及各位高人請指教幫忙分析910~

2008-05-29 7:25 am
小弟現有 910 中國林大20,000 股 @ $2

現在應該怎樣做呢, 應該繼續持有定止血離場呢~
雖然金錢不等著應急, 但也不想白等呢~

回答 (2)

2008-05-30 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
y should give up !!! since its audited financial statement is not clear

2008-05-29 16:45:51 補充:
there is no dividend payout even if it gain a lot and the main point is it is a super submarine
good luck
2008-05-31 5:34 pm

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