急~!10點呀~! 問英文解釋...= =”

2008-05-29 5:41 am
你地知唔知咩係 greyfoot 呀~!

其實即係問 greyfoot 的中文解釋...~!

唔該快,得一日炸~ ._____.

回答 (4)

2008-05-29 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
以下是其中的故事首部份, 要全部就去呢個WEBSITE:




There was once a princess of England who was very beautiful. But she had one great fault -- namely, that she thought far too much of herself and too little of everyone else.
Of course she had many suitors, but she refused them all, scorning each one for even trying to woo her.

At that time there was a young prince in Denmark. The fame of her beauty had reached him, and he sent word, asking for her hand in marriage. The princess answered that she would rather earn her bread by spinning all her life than marry such a poor and miserable prince as the prince of Denmark.

However, the young prince was determined to win her. He dispatched fresh messengers with letters, and sent with them a gift for her of six beautiful horses, white as milk, with pink muzzles, golden shoes, and scarlet rungs.

When he learned of this response the king of Denmark became enraged and declared that he would put to sea with all his ships and go to war with England at once to revenge the insult. His son begged him, however, to hold off on any such action.

Instead, the prince built a ship, a ship so beautiful and costly that its like had never been seen before. The prince gave the sailors a letter to deliver to the king of England, asking his daughter to accept him in marriage, and to receive the fabulous ship as an engagement gift.
2008-05-29 6:11 pm
很欣賞 003 的答案。
2008-05-29 5:50 am
字典就冇greyfoot e個字
2008-05-29 5:45 am
我 查 字 典 機 係 冇 e 個 字 但 係 就 有 grey hair 喇` grey hair 係 解 白 髮 咁 可 能 greyfoot 係 解 白 腳 -.- ( 我 估 架 咋 錯 左 唔 好 話 我 )
參考: 字典機^__^

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