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2008-05-29 3:16 am
社會治安是一個地區經濟重要一環, 回歸前澳門的治安非常差, 但回歸後開始改善, 在2002年賭權開放後各大商家都一直壓著罪惡, 以至在期下的娛樂場所以可順利經營賺取大量金錢. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the differences between 今天 跟 50年後澳門的治安環境. Three main differences are government, 商家, 古惑仔and黎自各國的人.

政府是澳門本地的最高權力個體, 從2002年賭權開放以後, 澳門政府一直盡力維持社會治安, 從k場到各大賭場, 周不時會有police打擊罪惡, 到今天為止, 治安問題仍在掌握之中. 相比50年後的澳門, 由於在五十年間博彩收益不段上升, 新建的賭場填滿了澳門的每一個角落, 澳門政府跟本没有足夠火力應對.

賭場商家是澳門經濟由來的最強後盾, 他們都需要安穩的環境來吸引旅客來澳消費, 現在澳門處於初期發展, there are some hotel still building, 市場還未到白熱化, 各商家還在安守本份, 五十年後, 同行如敵國, 各個賭場為了爭一哥地位, 在各賭場的華麗廣告牌的背後是一幕又一幕的踩場活動,

Here are the main three differences between Macao of nowadays and after 50 years, as we can see it comes down to 商家 choice, based on Macao can still make lots of money or not.

回答 (2)

2008-05-29 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A stabilized society is an important aspect for the economy of a city. Before Macau was returned to China , the public order of Macau was in its worst period. However this situation was gradually under controlled after the return. In the year 2002 when the gambling business is opened to the public investors, all major business people has been suppressing the crime incidents in Macau, so the entertainment business under their enterprise could earn the biggest amount of profit. The purpose of this essay is to compare the contrast of public order for Macau today to Macau after 50 years. The three main differences will be the government, business man, triad society and people coming from different parts of the world.
The government is the supreme power of Macau locally. When the gambling business was opened to the public from 2002, the government has been doing their best to maintain a stable society. From KTV to different casinos, there are always police on duty to fight against crime. As of today, the public order is still under control. Comparing with Macau 50 years later, newly built casinos will fill up in all areas of Macau due to its tremendous profit, and it is doubtful whether the Macau government will have enough manpower to cope with the chaotic situation.

For a long time owners of casinos have been the strongest backup for the economy of Macau . They all need a stable environment to attract tourists to visit Macau and spend money. At the moment Macau is in the state of preliminary development and there are still hotels under constructions. The market has not yet become so keen that all the related business man are still obeying the rules of running the casino business. 50 years after, each casino will be hunting for the leading position and hence competitions will become more frequent. Behind the glamorous propaganda there will be continuous disturbance among all casinos.

2008-05-29 11:57:42 補充:
Here are the main three differences between Macau nowadays and after 50 years, as we can see it comes down to the businessman’s choice on how to maintain a stabilized Macau and whether Macau can still make big profits.
參考: Myself, Myself
2008-05-29 1:18 pm
Public order is an important factor to the city and its economy. The public security and crime problem in Macau were very bad, the situation has improved since the handover to China.
In 2002, the Macau government ended the monopoly system, casinos operators are settling and dealing the disputes, problems, violence, in order to protect and run the business smoothly and to make good money. The purpose of this essay is to compare the difference between the public order of Macau’s today and 50 years afterward. The three main differences are government, casinos operators, teddy boy and people from around the world.

The Macau SAR government is the most powerful administer for its region. In 2002, the Macau government ended the monopoly system , the government is trying its utmost to ensure and maintain the public order. From “K” gambling dens to major casinos, police are there to combat crimes, violence, racketeering, shark loaning etc., Up till now, the law and order is still under control, imagine Macau in 50 years later, due to the gambling revenues are growing continuously, new booming gaming casinos are filling in every corner of Macau, Macau government does not have the sufficient power and manpower to fight and deal with the over-crowded casinos industry.
Casino operating business is the backbone of Macau economy, a secure and stable environmentS are very important to the tourist industry. Macau is in the early development stage, some hotels are under constructing, the economic market is not at the heightening point, casinos operators are in their self-restraint state, but in 50 years later, the counterparts would be the rival enemy. All casinos are fighting to be the No.1 in the industry, there will be the crimes of violence scenes behind those colourful and magnificent neon casinos’ billboards one after the other.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:14:16
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