alias 中 Rambaldi 同 Sydney 的 relationship

2008-05-28 10:50 pm
究竟 Rambaldi 同 Sydney 的 relationship 係咩 ??
好想知 thx =]

Rambaldi 究竟 有咩咁特別 佢係先知 !? Rambaldi 同咩人有咩 relationship hope someone will help me = ="

回答 (1)

2008-06-05 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Milo Giacomo Rambaldi( 1444年至1496年) ,文藝復興人(Renaissance man,或拉丁語和意大利語中的Homo universalis、Uomo Universale),是「通才」的一個別稱,預言家,藝術家,煉金術士,工程師和神秘,擔任教宗亞歷山大六世總設計師

Sydney偷了一幅500年前預言家Milo Rambaldi的素描,裡面包含著數字密碼, Rambaldi還留下手稿其中有一個是關於一位婦女的預言,相信這婦人能改變世界
….this woman here depicted will possess unseen marks, signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works: bind them with fury, a burning anger. Unless prevented, at vulgar cost, this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation. This woman, without pretense, will have had her effect, never having seen the beauty of my sky behind Mt. Subasio. Perhaps a single glance would have quelled her fire….

Sydney, Sydney母親 Irina Derevko 或者 Sydney對手Anna Espinosa 可能就是預言中的婦人

故事中有大部分情節是圍繞Rambaldi 遺下的物品如Mueller device, The Horizon

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