Help me~ about facebook

2008-05-28 7:08 pm
plz help me! I want to join facebook but they said that i'm ineligible to join.

why is that? I already put my name..... in it.

what can i do to solve that problem?

plz explain!

but i already choose birth year 1995 is that still not ok or i need to choose 1994?

回答 (3)

2008-05-29 9:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
if you are born after june of 1995, you are not yet 13 in may of 2008

i don't think cheating other (providing false age) is a good practice
note that you cannot change the year of birth later

how about just wait for a moment and register when you are really 13?
it can been treated as a birthday gift to you too

2008-05-29 01:11:59 補充:
sorry, u can change your birthday later
but i dunno what facebook will do if they know u are cheating at the 1st place
2008-06-06 8:32 am
For facebook, cause facebook's a website for adults making new fds any having relationship. So you MUST be 18 yrs old or older. 13 yrs old is too young for maing a facebook account. You may jut make it into 18 yrs old! I am only 11 yrs old and having a facebook account cause i am cheating!! xP

And you name is must be an acceptable name cause if you wrote your name on, if it isn't acceptable facebook wont let you have a facebook account

2008-05-28 8:22 pm
Facebook is intended solely for users who are thirteen (13) years of age or older.
Change your birthday year.

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