
2008-05-28 6:44 pm
請問向人講"你的locker在對面" or "你的locker在另一邊" 英文可以點講?

回答 (4)

2008-05-28 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的locker在對面 = Your locker is at the opposite side
你的locker在另一邊 = Your locker is over the other side
參考: Own
2008-06-11 7:57 am
Your locker is in the opposite


Your locker is on the other size
2008-05-30 1:54 am
your locker is at the other side.

2008-05-29 17:56:25 補充:
your locker is at the opposite side
參考: me, me
2008-05-28 6:55 pm
your locker is on the opposite side
參考: me

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