Runescape---who can give me a full rune ( free!) 15 points!!

2008-05-28 5:59 am
who can give em a full rune (free) and tell me how to rune craft?? 15points!

回答 (4)

2008-06-25 9:54 pm
如果想trade full rune 都得!去沙漠duel area 喥duel stakely.叫送full rune 果個人被你殺.佢死咗之後你就會取得full rune!!
2008-06-04 1:42 am
由於有個trade limit限制住,想俾full rune你都5得...


要升Runecrafting 的話先要完成Rune Mysteries Quest. 做完呢個Quest (任務)後,你就可以出入Rune essence mines,要升runecrafting就要有好多好多rune ess.,你係non-member (非會員)就mine rune ess. 跟住你響Rune Mysteries Quest 有個Air Talisman啦,咁你未去番Air Alter 囉,要有runecrafting lvl 5先可以開始整mind runes,其餘你按睇你level的那個表中runecrafting 那格,佢會彈個表出黎話幾level先整到邊隻runes的。要升runecrafting,即係你狂整runes,跟住一到level 5就轉整你最高level可以整到的mage runes,一句講曬,狂整。去到alter “use XXX talisman with XXX mysterious rock”就得,入到去你就去中間那個圓咕look的石按一按,你d rune ess. 就會變曬XXX runes (所有XXX對應番你想整的mage runes類型):
位置:Falador south door 再向西南行
就近的bank:Falador east bank
位置:Ice Mountain ge 東面 (出左Falador北門再向東北行,上樓梯後向北行,好接近Wildy lvl 1)
就近的bank:Falador west bank
位置:Lumbridge Swamps 入面 (在Draynor Village 向東南行,入左 Lumbridge Swamp 後經過dungeon 就到)
就近的bank:Draynor bank
位置: 出Varrock 東門再向北行,北面有間Inn的
就近的bank:Varrock east bank
位置:Al Kharid 沙漢中的 mining site 再向東南行,在 Duel Arena之西
就近的bank:Al Kharid bank
位置:出 Barbarian Village 西再向西北行 / Edgeville 的西南
就近的bank:Edgeville bank
位置:Zanaris入面,Cow Pen南
位置:Runes-Entrana北面(Astral runes-moonclan island

位置:Level 9 Wildy
Karamja Jungle ( Shilo Village 北面 )
位置:Temple of light入面,member quest the morning light 迷官入面

2008-06-03 17:43:22 補充:



2008-06-10 17:58:14 補充:

我的ac level應該係61, hehe...
參考: 我個腦, 我個腦
2008-05-29 5:52 pm
Other people cant give u FREE full rune NOW because this stupid trade limit:
trade limit is something that like if poeple gives you Weapons or Items thats over 3K=3000 coins, they will block you unless you pay them. This is a really stupid trade limit, i hate it so much, too. But we have no choice. This other guy os going to give me FREE full adamant, but the trade limit block us. My username is -Germs J W1-

P.S. please if u can, can u show up at this Saturday, at about 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. Thx

2008-05-29 09:54:38 補充:
And I will be there, because most of the time, I can play at Saturday. (1:00 to 5:00 P.M.)

P.S. I have another level 3 account (just start playing) call -Germs J W2- hehe

2008-05-29 09:57:04 補充:
And to rune craft:
I don't really know how to, because I just start playing, too. On my Germs J W1, too. It's only 29 level. sry...
參考: Big Brain, Big Brain 2, Big Brain 3
2008-05-29 6:13 am
你有ill ar 點比full rune 你ar

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