
2008-05-28 4:34 am
Q.1. lymph有冇red blood cell?Explain.
Q.2.alcoholic fermentation 係會出C02,alcohol係by-product or....?

回答 (2)

2008-05-29 1:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)lumph only contain tissue fluid. It don't have red blood cell since red blood
cell to large.It cannot pass though from blood capillary to tissue through the capillary wall.
2) Energy is the main product. the ethanol and carbondioxide are the by-product
參考: ME
2008-05-28 7:08 am
Q1: lymph has no red blood cell because red blood cell is too large so it
can't diffuse through the capillary wall.
Q2: ATP is the main product, ethanoic acid and CO2 are by-product.

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