
2008-05-28 4:32 am
A. ab^2
B. ab^3
C. a^2 b
D. a^3 b

2.If ABCD is a parallelogram , then the ratio of <A:<B:<C:<D can be
A. 1:3:5:7
B. 3:2:2:3
C. 4:3:4:3
D. 1:1:3:3


回答 (2)

2008-05-28 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
√175 = √(5x35) = √5x5x7 = √5 x √5 x √7 = a2b
answer is C//

As the parallelogram is named as ABCD, the order of the four angles should be angle A, angle B, angle C, angle D, in clockwise or anticlockwise sense.
For a parallelogram, opposing angles are equal, that is, angle A = angle C; angle B = angle D
Thus, the only possible ration of angleA : angle B : angle C : angle D = 4:3:4:3
answer is C//

Let the radius of the larger ball be R, and that of the smaller ball be r.
R = (1+10%)r = 1.1r
As the balls are similar (both are spheres)
Volume of larger ball / volume of smaller ball
= (radius of larger ball / radius of smaller ball)3
= (R/r)3
= (1.1r/r)3
= 1.13
= 1.331
Therefore, the volume of the larger ball is more than that of the smaller ball by:
(1.331 - 1)/1 x 100%
= 33.1%//
2008-05-28 4:44 am
1. C. a^2 b= square root of 5x5x7
=square root of 175
2. A and C should be the same.
B and D should also be the same.
so the answer is C.
3. r' : r=1.1
v' : v=(1.1)^3=1.331
so the larger volume is 33.1% of smaller volume.

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