
2008-05-28 4:23 am

回答 (5)

2008-05-28 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Father 父親, 岳父, 公(丈夫的父親), 祖先
Brother 哥哥,弟弟
Sister 姐姐,妹妹
Aunt 姑媽, 伯母, 舅媽, 阿姨
Uncle 伯父, 叔父, 姨丈
Grandmother 祖母,外祖母
Grandfather 祖父,外祖父,始祖
Grandaunt 姑婆,舅婆,姨婆,伯婆
Granduncle 叔祖,伯祖,伯外祖,叔外祖
Father-in-law 岳父,老爺
Mother-in-law 岳母,奶奶
Brother-in-law 姐夫, 妹夫,兄/弟夫
Sisther-in-law 嫂
Step-father 繼父
Step-mother 繼母
Step-brother 繼兄/弟
Step-sister 繼姐/妹
Cousin 表/堂兄,弟,姐,妹
Son 兒子
Daughter 女兒
Nephew 外甥,侄兒
Niece 外甥女,侄女
Daughter-in-law 兒媳
Son-in-law 女婿
Grandson 孫子,外孫子
Granddaughter 孫女,外孫女
Great-grandson 曾孫子,曾外孫子
Great-granddaughter 曾孫女,曾外孫女
Great-great grandson 玄孫子,玄外孫子
Great-great granddaughter 玄孫女,玄外孫女

ps:雖然多過20個 希望不要見怪
ps:哥 elder/older brother,大哥 eldest/oldest brother (注:older及oldest是美式英語)

弟/細佬 younger/little brother,老么 yougest brother

親戚 relative

我是家裡六兄弟組妹的老二。I am the second oldest of six children.(children可省)
2008-05-28 4:48 am
Mother, Mommy, Mama 母親

Father, Daddy, Dad父親

Parents, 雙親

elder/ younger Sister, 姐妹

elder/younger Brother, 兄弟

Grandfather, Grandmother,祖父母

Uncle, Aunt, 伯父母, 叔父母, 舅父母

Cousin 表兄弟姐妹,

Wife 妻子, Husband 丈夫

Father in law外父, Mother in law外母

Daughter 女兒, 媳婦

Son 仔, 女婿

Grandson 孫子, 外孫

Kinsman 同宗

2008-05-27 20:49:20 補充:
Niece 姪女
2008-05-28 4:41 am
1爸爸  father dad daddy

2兄弟  brother

3姊妹  sister

4丈夫  huband
5妻子  wife

6兒子  son

7女兒  daughter

8祖父  grandfather grandpa

9祖母  grandmother grandma

10叔叔 uncle

11阿姨 aunt

12堂/表兄弟姊妹  cousin

13姪兒 nephew

14姪女 niece

15媽媽 mother mum mummy
參考: me
2008-05-28 4:40 am
Hope i can help you

elder brother
niece 姪女,甥女
daughter 女兒
son 兒子
daughter-in-law 媳婦
grandchild 孫子
husband 丈夫
wife 妻子 ...
2008-05-28 4:37 am
1.mother 2.father 3.sister 4.brother 5.auntie 6.uncle 7.grandfather
8.grandmother 9.cousin 10.son 11.daughter 12.nephew 13.parent 14.wife
15.husband 16.niece 17.relative 18.great-grandfather 19.father-in-law
20.maternal uncle
參考: me

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