英文口述報告 20分 十萬火急!!

2008-05-28 4:14 am
題目1: Modern life (講下依家d電器對生活的好處 60-80字)

題目2: Fashion (自己喜歡的服裝&用料 60-80字)

題目3: Pets (講一樣動物,點解你會鐘意佢 60-80字)


做下好心...唔該!! 20分呀!!


回答 (2)

2008-06-06 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like cat. I like the cat is brown or white colour. I like them because they are cute, naughty and I can always with them.I like the cat which is younger because the younger one will play more, I think I would like the 10 months to 2 years old cat.Although they are not easy to cultivate, I will cultivate them for my best! I will gave them to play, to eat.
參考: me
2008-06-05 9:49 pm
1. Modern Life
The invention of electronic appliances have improved our living standard.

Just imagine what the life will be if we do not have the electroinc appliances now. We will be very hot, if we do not have the air conditioner in summer. We will be bored if we do not have the television. We will have less informations about the world if we do not have the computer. Electronic applicants have helped us to save a lot of time and make us convenience in everyday life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:59:59
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