我下星期2要錄影sba,想搵d英文好既朋友幫我cheak 下 我篇野既grammer 有冇錯~((20分))

2008-05-28 3:09 am
Good afternoon everyone. Today, I want to introduce a film is call” Freaky Friday”. Do you know why I choose this film? Let me tell you. I choose this film because of the story's setting. The setting is very wonderful. The director, Mark Waters, he use a magical technique to make the story very plentiful and entertaining. Why I say that the story is very plentiful and entertaining? Let me tell you something about the film. The story was talking about a mother called Tess Coleman and a daughter called Anna Coleman; they had a bad relationship of a family. One day, they want to a Chinese restaurant to have a dinner with Tess betrothed called Ryan but Anna was very abominating to him. Because of Anna abominated to Ryan, so, she made a generation gap to Tess.
In the restaurant, it had a waitress was very conversant with the Coleman’s family. At the time, Tess and Anna were arguing with each other and the waitress grandma took out the Fortune Cookies and gave it to them. Inside the cookies, there had a piece of paper, after they took out the paper and read aloud it; an incident was awaited to them. Because of the individual matter, Tess and Anna were know more about them and distant from the generation gap.

回答 (3)

2008-05-28 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good afternoon everyone. Today, I want to introduce a film called” Freaky Friday”. Do you know why I chose this film? Let me tell you. I chose this film because of the story's setting. The setting is very wonderful. The director, Mark Waters, he has used a magical technique to make the story very plentiful and entertaining. Why I said that the story is very plentiful and entertaining? Let me tell you something about the film. The story was about a mother called Tess Coleman and a daughter called Anna Coleman; they had a bad relationship in the family. One day, they went to a Chinese restaurant to have a dinner with Tess betrothed called Ryan but Anna was very abominating to him. Because Anna abominated to Ryan. So, she made a generation gap to Tess.
One of the waitress in the restaurant was very conversant with the Coleman's family. At the time, Tess and Anna were arguing with each other and the waitress grandma took out the Fortune Cookies and gave it to them. Inside the cookies, there had a piece of paper, after they took out the paper and read aloud it, an incident was awaited to them. Because of the individual matter, Tess and Anna knew more about each other and narrowed their generation gap.
2008-05-28 3:24 am
o k 喎 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 繼 續 努 力 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !加 油! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
參考: 自己and my 老師
2008-05-28 3:18 am
Hello, I think this below has a better grammer and yours!!Good Luck!!

Good afternoon everyone. Today, I want to introduce a film that's called” Freaky Friday”. Do you know why I chose this film? Let me tell you. I chose this film because of the story's setting. The setting was very wonderful. The director, Mark Waters, he used a magical technique to make the story very plentiful and entertaining. Why did I say that the story is very plentiful and entertaining? Let me tell you something about the film. The story was talking about a mother called Tess Coleman and a daughter called Anna Coleman; they had a bad relationship of a family. One day, they want to a Chinese restaurant to have a dinner with Tess betrothed called Ryan but Anna was very abominating to him. Because of Anna abominated to Ryan, so, she made a generation gap to Tess.
In the restaurant, a waitress was very conversant with the Coleman's family. At the time, Tess and Anna were arguing with each other and the waitress' grandma took out Fortune Cookies and gave it to them. Inside the cookies, there had a piece of paper, after they took out the paper and read aloud it; an incident was awaited to them. Because of the individual matter, Tess and Anna were know more about them and distant from the generation gap.

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