form 2 geography population

2008-05-28 1:59 am
1. what are the reasons for high immigration?
2. what are the reasons for low emigration?

please give as much reasons as possible

回答 (2)

2008-06-01 5:05 am
1.For high immigration

People move to another country for various reasons. Some leave their homeland to avoid starvation or to escape unbearable family situations. Many move to avoid revolution and war. Others are escaping religious or political persecution. Some immigrants were brought to a new land against their will, as slaves. Some immigrate to be reunited with their loved ones. Some move in search of adventure. But I think the number one reason has always been economic opportunity the search for better land or a better job.Many professional people have emigrated because of better opportunities elsewhere.

low emigration rates is "unexpected" and propose a possible reason for differences in initial population sizes . However, low emigration rates among populations with different origanal growth rates has been predicted by theoretical studies that did not incorporate either noise or variation in initial poplation sizes .
參考: myself and web-sites
2008-05-30 4:33 am
If there is high can due to the unstable political condition and the government policy encourage local people to move out to made a living because the resouce in local is insufficient.

If there is low emigration,it may due to the discourage govt. policies and different restriction about emigration.When the financial condition in a country is prosperious, people will not want to emigrate too.
參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:37:29
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