
2008-05-28 1:27 am

回答 (3)

2008-05-28 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實學英文並不難, 我曾聽聞英文是語言中最易學的. 我看比學中文,德文, 俄文, 西班牙文等容易.
你必須 按步就班, 學習包括字毋, 拼音, 文法(grammar 重要)等, 另加多看看英文報紙及書本, 什至英文電影(西片), 多看多聽加上有恒心, 不可太心急, 總會成功的.

2008-05-27 17:59:24 補充:
另外, 不要忘 記買一本好的字典!
參考: Own opinion only
2008-06-06 1:37 am
不是先學發音,跟住講,再聆聽,學意思,學生字,學文法,但香港就...相反,你知點解未... ...
2008-05-29 5:53 am
sorry I can't type Chinese, so I can only answer you in English.

Learning English could be very easy and fun. However, one possible factor that you think it is difficult, could be of psychological factor, rather than the actual skills and techniques of English grammar.

So, one thing you might need to un-do is 'to get rid of your fear' at first. Try to be more curious, and see if you like it more.

Another point is that, 'Be brave in making mistakes'
We can learn well when we find our mistakes.

Ask yourself, what is the worst case scenario of making mistakes? and can you still live by the worst of it?

Be Brave, friend and good luck.
參考: self experience

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