what's the difference between track & trace?

2008-05-28 12:42 am
what's the difference between track & trace?

回答 (3)

2008-05-28 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. a rough path or road, usually one that has not been built but made by people walking there. 由人步行而造成的路徑.
2. marks left by a person, an animal or a moving vehicle. 人或動物或車輛留下的痕跡.
3. rails that a train moves along. 鐵路軌.
4. a track with a number at a train station that a train arrives at or leaves from. 美國用語, 常見於月台指示板上, 說明火車停於那一條軌道
5. a piece of ground with a special surface for people, cars etc. to have races on. 跑道.
6. the path or direction that something is moving in. 途徑.
7. a piece of music on a record, tape or CD. 唱碟或錄音帶上其中一段.
8. part of a tape or disk that information can be recorded on. 錄音帶或電腦光碟上其中一環節.
9. a pole that a curtain moves along. 掛窗蓆之橫木.
10. a continuous belt of metal plates around the wheels of a large vehicle that allows it to move over the ground. 環著推土機車輪的金屬帶.


As verb:
1. to find something by looking carefully for them. 認真尋找.
2. to find the origin or cause of something. 追踪源頭.
3. to describe a process or the development of something. 追溯過程.
4. to draw a line or lines on a surface. 在表面繪線.
5. to follow the shape or outline of something. 勾劃.
6. to copy a map, drawing etc. by drawing on transparent paper placed over it. 用透明紙在實物上描繪.

As noun:
1. a mark, an object or a sign that shows something existed. 豬屍馬跡.
2. a very small amount of something. 絲毫.
3. a line or pattern on paper or a screen that shows information found by a machine. 由儀器造出的紀錄, 例如: 心電圖的線譜.
4. one of the two long pieces of leather that fasten a carriage to the horse that pulls it. 馬車的彊繩.

相信你不明白的是兩個都可解作痕跡, 應該用那個才對? 以下例句可供你參考:

We followed the bears tracks in the snow.
There were two sets of fresh tyre tracks outside.

It is exciting to discover traces of earlier civilizations.
Police searched the area but found no trace of the escaped prisoners.
Years of living in England had eliminated all trace of her American accent.
The ship had vanished without trace.
2008-05-28 1:36 am
track is noun
trace is verb
2008-05-28 1:19 am
The meaning of track and track is actually the same, even in noun form or verb form.
參考: Myself

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