第一次養toy poodle!!!

2008-05-28 12:11 am
第一次養toy poodle!!

how to feed....
how to bath.....
how to buy a soft bed

回答 (3)

2008-06-03 3:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
第一, 你隻狗而家幾多個月大先?

How to feed:
如果三個月以下, 要餵多個2餐一日, 同埋一定要浸軟的糧先好比佢食, 佢地太細個的消化系統唔太好, 又食得趕, 會唔吸收, 同埋的牙仔會咬得好辛苦。

How to bath:
如果未打齊針, 盡量唔好濕洗, 除非你好有經驗又快手, 但好明顯你係冇。 用蘆薈濕紙巾啦, Petkin個隻, $88 (100 pcs), 縑貴, BB用既都可以。 沬完梳返鬆的毛, 成隻好似沖完涼咁好正既。

如果太細個, 又未識係固定地方去廁所, 唔使買床住。 買的"cool 順"同厚毛巾先(預多幾條)。


最後建議問多d有經驗既狗友, 同埋唔好慳, 買幾本書研究下點養狗, 介紹你"toy poodle全攻略", 對poodle基本認識。
參考: 20年養狗經驗, 而家養有一隻2個半月大既toy poodle女
2008-05-30 5:47 am
參考: 自己
2008-05-28 8:07 am
1.)Use dog dry food /You can have many choice you can ask the pet shop staff dry food is the best thing to give the dog to eat

2)Use water and dog shampoo but don't let the water go into it ear and noise you can go the the grooming web site to ask for groomer grooming in your house it is better than You go to the pet shop this is my web http://puppyking.net

3)If you want a better soft bed you can choose the soft bed made in Japan
If you choose a soft bed you may think about the size , is it easy to clean and is it easy to destroy by your dog

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