
2008-05-27 9:54 pm


2. 會坐747-400 ECON CLASS,好唔好坐&邊個位好坐


回答 (1)

2008-05-27 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Air New Zealand is really stick to the rule the max I usually get is 25kg no matter you got student visa.

2. The room between each seat is really tight, if you want more room you can sit the first roll of econ class of next to corridor. or you know that must be some sit face those cargo servicer.

2008-06-01 12:54:53 補充:
3. 如果你有朋友送機, 可以叫你朋友將所有hand carry 囉開唔好比check-in 的人睇到, 去check-in 時同佢講無hand carry, so give you 5kg more allowance for baggage. 我朋友帶小提琴就無問佢嘢, 我見過有人張吉他寄倉, check in 的人話會有個area專放貴重易碎物品, so no worry.

2008-06-01 12:55:07 補充:
4. laptop 同 樂器一律唔係好check, , laptop 無size and wight limit 因為大極有限.

5. 其實你可以早啲Check in 攞個好位,因為可以坐前的,if peak season 前排乘客會上機先, 你就可以放多啲嘢. If you apply the on-line check-in you can check-in earlier and get a better set.

2008-06-01 12:57:59 補充:
Where will you taking off, North or South Island.

I have been challenge for the allowance for heaps of time to get those exp. and it's work. Hope this help.
參考: i study in NZ as well, my exp

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