m late?!

2008-05-27 9:53 pm
我在上个月11号里口黎m,然后18号同bf do,没有用dom,之后在隔日中午大概12点吃左一粒postinor。过左几日后又有dd出血的感觉。之后在22号验尿黎,是negative喔。然后到依家都仲未黎,请问我系不系有左bb咧?好急,请大家帮帮忙,尽快给我答案。多谢。last month i come period on 11/04/08,then i do with my bf on 18/04/08 without condom,then the nxt day i eat 1pc of postinor. after few days ago,i like come period but very less la.until now also havent come period.i do the test 3 times already, but all also negative.what's the problem am i?!please help me and give me answer as soon as possible.TQ!

now a day i want to change job already,is this will any effect about my period date?!i late 2 weeks more already,please help me, very urgent.thx guys....


i am after period delay 11 days go to do the test ge,answer is negative.after that when my period delay 15 & 16 days, i do the 2nd & the 3rd test also negative (but not do the test in the early morning la,is afternoon & evening),is it any effect for the test or not?!thx everyone,i very appreciated.


my period time something not everytime also follow the date,sometimes early & sometimes late...


yesterday i go to clinic check already, the doctor say i am not pregnancy wo...he give me some medicines to me for come period (after finished 3-4 day).let say after i eat,if got bb also want to do operations to take out ar?!i just for my knowledge only,thx all......

回答 (2)

2008-05-28 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
你平時o的經期準唔準?同埋你個次用驗孕棒check時太早,無咁快check到,不過你話你check過3次,咁係唔係o係你delay來經之後check ga.如果是的話,個result都係negative,咁你應該唔係有BB,因為而家o的驗孕棒都幾準.我諗你應該係心理影響,而令到經期delay,我都試過,delay o左3個星期,你可以觀察多一排先,如果都無的話,你應該去睇下婦科醫生.

2008-05-28 12:31:15 補充:
如果係咁,你再觀察多陣先啦,我諗應該係你的心情影響而delay.驗孕棒係幾時check都得的o既,只要你make sure跟住盒上面個指示做就ok啦.
參考: 我係護士
2008-05-29 7:48 am
cinderellatung 講得好對

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