math problems about find inverse, teach me please.

2008-05-27 9:26 pm
Determine whether the function F= 1/x is one to one. If it is find its inverse.

回答 (2)

2008-05-27 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Its inverse is 1/(1/x); meaning The reciprical of F or the inverse of F is x.
And the ratio F: 1/F is always F:1/F ; unless when x=0 or 1
2008-05-27 9:53 pm
F= 1/x
let's set its inverse is f
so f=x
and x=1/x that x^1=x^-1
x=0 or x=1
however x<>0 because of F
so x=1

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