~急~收購公司英文信 sample

2008-05-27 7:03 pm
我公司有意收購一間物業管理公司, 想問他們有什麼 offer或需要多少錢什麼條件等等..有沒有 < 收購公司> 英文信件 sample???


多謝你的答案~ 其實只係好簡單想出封信, 對這間公司有興趣並想收購, 睇下佢地有乜offer....可惜我英文程度有限...所以要各界猛人幫幫手.... thanks~

回答 (3)

2008-05-28 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
我估你首先應該寫一封 letter of intent 比果間公司列出你地對該公司既收購意向...代該公司回答有interest比你地收購先進行下一步....一般下一步會係一個official既purchase agreement.....我建議你搵律師draft...

Dear XXX

Re: Proposed Acquisition of XXX Company Limited

This letter confirms our intentions with respect to the potential transaction described herein between your company name (“Buyer”) and XXX company limited (“Seller”).

1Terms Buyer envisages that the principal terms of the proposed transaction would be substantially as follows:
i.Buyer would acquire substantially all of the assets, tangible and intangible, owned by Seller that are used in, or necessary for the conduct of, its business, including, without limitation (a) the fixed assets of Sellers associated with the business of interest, (b) any and all the customer lists, (c) the goodwill associated therewith, all free and clear of any security interests, mortgages or other encumbrances.
ii.The aggregate consideration of the assets and business to be purchased would be provided after a satisfactory conduction of Due Diligence Review and to be more particularly set forth in a Purchase Agreement to be mutually agreed upon by the parties.
iii.Promptly following the execution of this letter of intent, Seller will allow Buyer to complete the examination of Seller’s financial, accounting and business records and other legal documents and generally to complete due diligence. Any information obtained by Buyer as a result thereof will be maintained by Buyer in confidence subject to the Confidential Information in this letter of intent.

..................to be continued

2008-05-27 19:19:31 補充:

我會message u..
參考: myself, myself
2008-05-27 11:44 pm
I agreed with the answer given by saint02005
2008-05-27 8:14 pm

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